Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

English task - dialogue about Teenage Depression

Here is the dialogue about how someone responds to her friend when her friend is being experiencing problems.

Sorry if there is a mistake and weakness in dialogue and this video.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016


Teenage  Depression

·         Pupils   = students   
·         Suffering  : menderita   
·         Rapidly = quickly
·         Expert : ahli
·         Particularly = especially
·         Huge = big><small
·         Cultural pressures : tekanan budaya
·         Youngster : anak muda
·         Change : perubahan
·         Perhaps = maybe = probably
·         Identify : mengenali
·         Symptoms : gejala
·         Snap : tidak akur
·         Lost touch : hilang komunikasi
·         Fortunately : untungnya
·         Notice = see = pay attention
·         Recognize = know : mengenali
·         Expect = hope
·         Snap out of it : menghibur, menenangkan
·         Cope : akur
·         Blue = sad : sedih
·         Poem : puisi
·         Whether : apakah
·         Nurse : perawat
·         Confidential = secret
·         Escape = run away
·         Suicide : bunuh diri
·         Self injury : menyakiti diri sendiri
·         Vital = important = essential

·         No matter how : seberapa......


Favorite thing are the things that we like or we often used. It can be from any aspect, for example : favorite sports, favorits clothes, some applications in mobile phone and so on. But now,  I would like to tell you about my favorite mobile application in my phone. There are are some application that become my favorite. They are Line, Vsco, and Path.

The first is a line. I like to used it because it make  me easy  to communicate with my friends and familiy. In addition to sending the message, line can be used for video call. Using video call makes me easy to communicate face to face with my friends from another place . We can see the activities that they do. This application also can help us to dismiss our yearning with our friends who was staying in different town.

The second is vsco. This application is the kind of editing photos application . Why I like this to use this to edit my photos? As we know every people will search any photo editing to get good output. So do I, the good reason is get satisfy photos. We can adjust the brightness from the picture and make it looks natural.

Then, the last one is Path. We can shere our location with another users through this applicaton. They will know our location wherever we are. Beside that we also can shere our photos or video with other people.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


Hello guys welcome back to my blog, my name is wulan oktavianingrum. I’ll tell you a little about some of the stories from my life. This incident had occurred several years ago. I feel there is a similarity of the events I have ever experienced in a movie I’ve ever seen. The film is a Heart. The film played by Nirina Zubir and Irwansyah. They both are a pair of friends who have been friendship childhood. At first they were just friend as usual. But, as time passes Rachel played by Nirina Zubir had deeper feeling towards Farel played by Irwansyah. Rachel got jealous when Farel have feelings for another woman. The woman was named Luna. Proximity Farel and Luna makes Rachel increasingly jealous and irritated. For Farel and Luna often perform activities normally carried Farel and Rachel. This story is not entirely the same as the story of my life. But I feel in a position Rachel. Made me feel upset and jealous every time I see people who care about proximity to other woman. But this makes me think and makes me confused, because I was afraid of this feeling makes me a friendly relationship with my best friend to be a mess. I do not want just because it keeps our friendship relationship becomes a mess, because I consider my friendship are more important than feeling arise in my self that maybe this feeling is only temporary.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016


In my daily activities, I always bring items that I think are important. Reviews these items are never forgotten my input into the bag when I go. Goods things that do not ever forget I take are wallets and mobile phones. I never forget to carry this stuff because I think it is very important. The second items which I mean the wallets and mobile phones. I always carry a wallet and a mobile phone wherever I go, for example, to collage, to the market and to the mall.
First, I never forget my wallet. Because the wallet has many functions. Wallet size is not large but the wallet can store items that I think are important for example to save money, save the identity card, and store photos. Items in the wallet of the most important is the cash because we usually always in need of cash under any circumstances, for example in an emergency or not.
Futhermore mobile phones, mobile phones are also items that should I carry wherever I go. Mobile helped me in communicating. By using our mobile phones can communicate with people far away, so we did not need to come to the place of the person. By using our mobile phones do not need to take a long time if you want to tell people about important information. But mobile phones are not only used for communication there are still many uses of a mobile phone that really help us in our daily activities.