Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Recommendations place in Pontianak

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my blog.
I live in Pontianak, Pontianak is the capital west kalimantan province, Indonesia. This city known as the city of the equator because traversed the equator. North of town Pontianak , precisely siantan , there are the Tugu Katulistiwa or equator monument built in a place that traversed the equator. Besides , Pontianak City traversed by Kapuas river and Landak river.

Talking about Pontianak, In Pontianak many places who good to attend especially for tourists. In addition to the good, In Pontianak also has a variety of distinctive kinds of food that tastes good.

If there are friends and family derived from out of Pontianak city then i will took him to different places the good at Pontianak. Place that can be visited the equator monument and keraton kadriah. This place be a place that suitable for tourists visit.

Gambar terkait
The equator monument were on Katulistiwa street , north  pontianak, west kalimantan province .It is located about 3 km from the city center pontianak , toward the city mempawah. This equator monument become one of the tourism icons Pontianak and always visit by public , especially tourists who came to the city of Pontianak. The right time to visit equator monument at date 21-23 march and 21-23 september because on this date is happening events the point of culmination of the sun. In addition to the point of culmination watching the sun, we can also photographed at this equator monument.

Hasil gambar untuk keraton kadriah
And then keraton kadariah, Keraton kadariah is a palace sultanate of pontianak built in from year 1771 until 1778 masehi. To reach this keraton to take roadways or the river. If using roadways we can use motorcycles or four wheels if use the river we can use boat or a speedboat from port senghie.

Besides both the place was still more place that can be visited in pontianak of them masjid jami pontianak, tepian sungai kapuas, Aloe Vera center and others.

In addition to visit the scene be favorite tourists if in pontianak , let me take with the food typical pontianak. Food of pontianak namely bubur pedas, sotong pangkong, chai kue, lempar pengkang, And processed from aloe vera.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

Last Meal On Earth

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my blog.
You must have a favorite foods and you shall soon wishes till eat you like days when you live this world. Now I will tell food last what I am going to choose to I ate the last time. Not significant have long I live in this world. Talking about the food, there have been many the food I eats during my life, started from birth until now. Ranging from feeding cookery mother until people or cookery I ate. Because I was a person who is fond of culinary a lot of the food I like to do. The same food like among others fried rice, meatballs, broil, pulp chicken, doughnut, and still many other food. But in the food all I most like cookery my mother, because I assume whatever my mother cook that constitute the food of est one. If I have a chance to eat that I like when the last day I live in this world, I would choose eat cookery my mother. For me food price costly and palatable anything will lose same cookery my mother.  Food of any kind will lose same cookery my mother. 

Sabtu, 26 November 2016


Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my blog.
Exactly three October I was 19 years. Does not feel have long I live in this world. The most difficult and happy in this life I have passed smoothly. Look at myself that now I don’t think it can be standing here. Still thought of my time new start education in kindergarten when I was 5 years old, then I kept on going primary school, the second thing I continuing to junior high school and senior high school, ago until the present I have been continuing to collage. I realized that I could until today than because the spirit of I have but also because of the support of the my mother and father, without they might I couldn't like now. In the past I might still be a lot of outrageous things I do, but every time I always strive to make mistake I the doing as a lesson in my life.

I hope in the future especially 10 the coming year I to be the which is good for many people. If I were given the long life, 10 years will come then I 29 year old. I hope that age I have can happy mother and my father. I hope also at age 29 years I have had a job and already have a family of small I wake up with my mate.

Jumat, 18 November 2016


Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to my blog. Now I will tell you song what I choose when karaoke. The song that I choose when karaoke is a song Adele entitled “All I Ask”. When karaoke was not me who sings it but my friends because I wasn't too fond of karaoke, but if in invite karaoke I just like to listen to my friend singing. I like this song because the song is nice and pleasant to be heard, this song tells of discord. Of the lyrics can be seen that this song is very touching and could make people listen to be sad. Here is the lyrics of the song “All I Ask”

All I Ask
I will leave my heart at the door
I won't say a word
They've all been said before, you know
So why don't we just play pretend
Like we're not scared of what is coming next
Or scared of having nothing left

Look, don't get me wrong
I know there is no tomorrow
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
Cause what if I never love again?

I don't need your honesty
It's already in your eyes
And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me
No one knows me like you do
And since you're the only one that matters
Tell me who do I run to?

Look, don't get me wrong
I know there is no tomorrow
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
Cause what if I never love again?

Let this be our lesson in love
Let this be the way we remember us
I don't wanna be cruel or vicious
And I ain't asking for forgiveness
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
Cause what if I never love again?

Jumat, 11 November 2016


Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to come back in my blog. This time I will tell you a bit about my favorite place. My favorite place is the beach. One of the beach I like is “Mimi Land Beach”. Mimi Land Beach is located in the Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat. I like Mimi Land Beach therefore is beach so clean and beautiful. In addition to its beach clean and beautiful, in the Mimi Land Beach there is also a lot of various place to play. Mimi Land Beach also suitable as the beach on holiday with the family. In the Mimi Land Beach also there are many stalls that selling food. We can relax while eating on the edge of the beach. We also could swim in Mimi Land Beach. On this beach there facilities named Batu Payung Village, which is resort with a view of the beach surrounded by a small island are still undiscovered lands by human, in resort has facilities complete like an apartment in the middle of the city. The price for staying in guesthouses in also affordable. Visitors won’t be feeling disappointed arriving at the coast of this because arriving on this beach visitors can feel panoramic typical of Mimi Land Beach.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

English task - dialogue about Teenage Depression

Here is the dialogue about how someone responds to her friend when her friend is being experiencing problems.

Sorry if there is a mistake and weakness in dialogue and this video.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016


Teenage  Depression

·         Pupils   = students   
·         Suffering  : menderita   
·         Rapidly = quickly
·         Expert : ahli
·         Particularly = especially
·         Huge = big><small
·         Cultural pressures : tekanan budaya
·         Youngster : anak muda
·         Change : perubahan
·         Perhaps = maybe = probably
·         Identify : mengenali
·         Symptoms : gejala
·         Snap : tidak akur
·         Lost touch : hilang komunikasi
·         Fortunately : untungnya
·         Notice = see = pay attention
·         Recognize = know : mengenali
·         Expect = hope
·         Snap out of it : menghibur, menenangkan
·         Cope : akur
·         Blue = sad : sedih
·         Poem : puisi
·         Whether : apakah
·         Nurse : perawat
·         Confidential = secret
·         Escape = run away
·         Suicide : bunuh diri
·         Self injury : menyakiti diri sendiri
·         Vital = important = essential

·         No matter how : seberapa......


Favorite thing are the things that we like or we often used. It can be from any aspect, for example : favorite sports, favorits clothes, some applications in mobile phone and so on. But now,  I would like to tell you about my favorite mobile application in my phone. There are are some application that become my favorite. They are Line, Vsco, and Path.

The first is a line. I like to used it because it make  me easy  to communicate with my friends and familiy. In addition to sending the message, line can be used for video call. Using video call makes me easy to communicate face to face with my friends from another place . We can see the activities that they do. This application also can help us to dismiss our yearning with our friends who was staying in different town.

The second is vsco. This application is the kind of editing photos application . Why I like this to use this to edit my photos? As we know every people will search any photo editing to get good output. So do I, the good reason is get satisfy photos. We can adjust the brightness from the picture and make it looks natural.

Then, the last one is Path. We can shere our location with another users through this applicaton. They will know our location wherever we are. Beside that we also can shere our photos or video with other people.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


Hello guys welcome back to my blog, my name is wulan oktavianingrum. I’ll tell you a little about some of the stories from my life. This incident had occurred several years ago. I feel there is a similarity of the events I have ever experienced in a movie I’ve ever seen. The film is a Heart. The film played by Nirina Zubir and Irwansyah. They both are a pair of friends who have been friendship childhood. At first they were just friend as usual. But, as time passes Rachel played by Nirina Zubir had deeper feeling towards Farel played by Irwansyah. Rachel got jealous when Farel have feelings for another woman. The woman was named Luna. Proximity Farel and Luna makes Rachel increasingly jealous and irritated. For Farel and Luna often perform activities normally carried Farel and Rachel. This story is not entirely the same as the story of my life. But I feel in a position Rachel. Made me feel upset and jealous every time I see people who care about proximity to other woman. But this makes me think and makes me confused, because I was afraid of this feeling makes me a friendly relationship with my best friend to be a mess. I do not want just because it keeps our friendship relationship becomes a mess, because I consider my friendship are more important than feeling arise in my self that maybe this feeling is only temporary.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016


In my daily activities, I always bring items that I think are important. Reviews these items are never forgotten my input into the bag when I go. Goods things that do not ever forget I take are wallets and mobile phones. I never forget to carry this stuff because I think it is very important. The second items which I mean the wallets and mobile phones. I always carry a wallet and a mobile phone wherever I go, for example, to collage, to the market and to the mall.
First, I never forget my wallet. Because the wallet has many functions. Wallet size is not large but the wallet can store items that I think are important for example to save money, save the identity card, and store photos. Items in the wallet of the most important is the cash because we usually always in need of cash under any circumstances, for example in an emergency or not.
Futhermore mobile phones, mobile phones are also items that should I carry wherever I go. Mobile helped me in communicating. By using our mobile phones can communicate with people far away, so we did not need to come to the place of the person. By using our mobile phones do not need to take a long time if you want to tell people about important information. But mobile phones are not only used for communication there are still many uses of a mobile phone that really help us in our daily activities. 

Rabu, 28 September 2016



This tense is used to express action or habitual routines and general factes
The formula is : (+) S + V1 (s/es)
                         (-) S + do/does + not + V1
                         (?) Do/does + S + V1
Example          : (+) She go to campus by bus
                         (-) She doesn’t go to campus by bus
                         (?) Does she go to campus by bus?

This tense is used to express a sentence that occurred in the past
The formula is : (+) S + V2
                        (-) S + did + not + V1
                        (?) Did + S + V1
Example          : (+) I tried my best
                         (-) I didn’t try my best
                         (?) Did I try my best?

This tense is used at the time of the incident ongoing
The formula is : (+) S + be + Ving
                        (-) S + be + not + Ving
                        (?) Be + S + Ving
Example          : (+) He was eating in the room
                         (-) He wasn’t eating in the room
                         (?) Was he eating in the room

This tense is used in the event has not occurrd or the future
The formula is : (+) S + will + V1
                        (-) S + will + not + V1
                        (?) Will + S + V1
Exemple          : (+) She will go to campus by bus
                         (-) She will not go to campus by bus
                         (?) Will she go to campus by bus?

This tense is used when the incident had happened, but is stiil feels
The formula is :  (+) S + has/have + V3
                          (-) S + has/have + not + V3
                          (?) Has/have + S + V3
Exemple          : (+) I have read the book
                         (-) I have not read the book
                         (?) have I read the book?


Ø  She (drink) coffee (Simple past )
(+) She drank coffee
(-) She didn’t drink coffee
(?) Did she drink coffee?

Ø  They (start) the course ( Present perfect )
(+) They have started the course
(-) They haven’t started the course
(?) Have they started the course?

Ø  Ana and Linda (open) the account ( Past continous )
(+) Ana and Linda were opening the account
(-) Ana and Linda were not opening the account
(?) Were Ana and Linda opening the account?

Ø  The bank (close) at 5 p.m ( Simple present )
(+) The bank closes at 5 p.m
(-) The bank doesn’t close at 5 p.m
(?) Does the bank close at 5 p.m?

Ø  The dog (run) through the park ( Simple past )
(+) The dog ran through the park
(-) The dog didn’t run through the park

(?) Did the dog run through the park?

Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Your favorite selfie and why

Hello ladies and gentlemen
My name is wulan oktavianingrum. This is my photo selfie while in one of the tourist attractions in West Kalimantan, more precisely on the Simping island. I really like this place apart because the scenery is beautiful and good enough to attract my heart especially for photos with family and selfie own. There we can take pictures with hill vews and a very nice beach. In this place there are many beautiful statues decorate the coast, there are swimming pools, availabe places relaxing near the beach with all snack foods sold near the beach atmosphere really made me interested to tase not want to go from that place. In addition, this place is not too crowded by visitors like other beaches so I can more freely enjoy the quiet beauty also the entry fee to this location is not too expensive for college student. In this place that makes me intersted is at low tide cane cross to a small island called the Simping island. Just imagine no one has as unique and extraordinary as the oher beaches,this is what makes me love selfie to want to linger there. But I must return to Pontianak because it was already dark. Inevitably I had to rush back. Every beauty does not forget me immortalize using my mobile phone.

Kamis, 22 September 2016

your reason choosing your study major at UNTAN

Hello ladies and gentlemen
My name is Wulan Okavianingrum. I live on Wonobaru street Gang Wonodadi 1 number 32. My first school in elementry school 16 Pontianak. After completing elementry school. I continued my education at secondary school level first at Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak. And then, I went back to the upper secondary school to continue my education above. I again at the level of the lectures in University Tanjungpura. I choose the faculty of economics, because the best faculty in University Tanjungpura. More over, the reason i go in and choose the faculty of economics so that i could learn more about economics widely and detailed as the problem going on around me and outside of West Kalimantan. We know the current economy has a very importan role for every aspect of everyday human life. I’m also interested because he economy has a chance to get a provision in finding the best jobs and opportunities to open new jobs and made me more interested because a very wide busisness knowledge in both the banking sector and businesses are now growing in Indonesia at this time to abroad. For example in the banking sector as banks assist and manage the finances of the client so that the economic and financial stability to better. Also in term of business such as opening business opportunites such as online shop is currently developing up abroad and create economies of the world community for the better.